When information technology comes to ability fantasies in virtual reality, no game comes as close equally Bract And Sorcery . This fantasy combat sim is as brutal as it is not for kids. Players can challenge themselves with waves of enemies or give themselves all the power in the globe and slash through armies like they're nothing. Even if friends can't play together, just watching someone play is a blast.

Swinging swords and shooting arrows is all practiced fun, but the true potential for power in Blade And Sorcery comes from the game's spells. By default, Burn, Lightning & Gravity are available for use in the game, merely the modding scene has taken things far beyond that. There are some truly incredible spells out there that players must enter into their spellbook. What are the best spell mods for Blade and Sorcery?

Updated on February seven, 2022 past Ritwik Mitra: VR gaming has been all the rage in modern titles, with sure titles absolutely exploding in popularity due to the innovative way in which they utilise the limited gaming mechanics present in this genre. Bract and Sorcery is ane such game that is immensely pop, with its modding scene likewise beingness fairly impressive in its own right. Given the emphasis on spellcasting in this game, players tin can bank check out the following mods to enhance their collection of elemental attacks.

fifteen Elemental Firearms – Weaponized Magic

Fisher's Elemental Firearms and NPC Gun Waves mod for Blade & Sorcery

While not a spell per se, the Elemental Firearms mod for Blade and Sorcery is a pretty great way to turn magical attacks into something highly entertaining. The idea of using guns with elemental bullets is pretty tempting.

Of course, these firearms aren't limited to the players — NPCs can likewise wield this powerful weapon. It'due south a groovy way to spice up the gameplay of Blade and Sorcery for players who have seen all the tricks upwardly this title's sleeve.

14 Magic Weapon Furnishings – Attacks That Pack A Dial

Blade and Sorcery brings more magic and arena fighting to the VR realm

This modernistic technically doesn't exercise anything past itself, just it allows other modders to easily add magical effects to their weapons. From the classical elemental attack to a life drain arrangement that sucks the HP out of enemies, the sheer number of effects at play here are genuinely impressive.

Suffice to say, the Magic Weapon Effects modern is something that fans of unique weapon attack effects should check out. It is a great foundation to build upon, allowing other mods to flourish.

13 Shatterblade – One Of The Coolest Magic-Imbued Weapons

The Shatterblade in Blade & Sorcery

The Shatterblade isn't a spell by itself; rather, it's a cool weapon that has been integrated expertly into Blade and Sorcery.

This Shatterblade is augmented by the player'south currently-selected spell. Gravity, Lightning, and Fire have an appropriate effect on this weapon, assuasive players to make this detachable weapon even more than fun to utilise!

12 Electrical – Shock The Arrangement!

Electrical magic mod in Blade and Sorcery

Players who want to use other elements to damage their enemies in Blade and Sorcery should check out the Electrical modernistic. True to its name, it adds electricity-based spells in the game to make things mode more entertaining.

Shocking some sense into enemies might non piece of work in this game, but that doesn't mean players tin can fry the life out of these NPCs. It's a fun element that players will have a nail playing around with in the game.

eleven Claret Spell – Borderline Necromancy

Better weapon handling in Blade and Sorcery

The concept of bloodbending is something that was pretty haunting in Avatar: The Final Airbender. To use this technique immediate through the utilize of mods in Blade and Sorcery is even freakier!

This Blood Magic allows players to utilise both offensive and defensive abilities, making for a various and engaging co-operative of magic to experiment effectually with. Players who want to enhance their spellcasting abilities in the game tin can practise the same with this modernistic!

10 Spell Wheel Enhancer – Keeping Things Organized


This mod is not a spell itself merely will exist vital for players who intend to install every bit many spells as possible to play around with. While the developers of Blade And Sorcery back up the game's modding scene, it's non a priority, and this means some problems may occur if likewise many are installed at in one case.

In the Spell Wheel'south example, if in that location are also many spells to chose from, some may overlap, and it can be abrasive for players to deal with. This mod deals with that with a quick set up. Every new spell now just expands the size of the bike, pregnant players tin can install as many spells every bit they like without worry.

9 Scale – This Enemy Is Small, That Enemy Is Far Abroad


While the environments available in the game aren't massive, they are filled with many props and pocket-size details. These props can exist used equally weapons and shields, just at that place are more fun ways to play effectually with them.

The Scale spell allows players to make anything bigger or smaller with a swipe of their hands. This can range from annihilation to props, weapons, items or even enemies. Want to fight a behemothic in an experience that feels more than like information technology'south out of a horror game? No trouble. Want to shrink enemies and fit them into the palm of your hand? Perfectly doable.

8 Titan Spell – My, How You've Grown!


Messing with the proportions of objects and enemies is all well and practiced, but what virtually if the histrion wants to exercise that to themselves? This is where the Titan mod comes in. This is a unproblematic spell that players cast on themselves.

The parameters can be gear up to scale themselves upward technically infinitely, although the limit really depends on the capabilities of the user'south PC. Either fashion, grow large, stomp enemies. This mod even adds the ability to eat enemies that are pocket-size enough compared to the player. The true titan feel.

seven Cosmic – Harness The Stars Themselves


Cosmic is a modern that adds several spells, all infinite-themed in nature, and some of them accept the power to destroy the earth. Starting at the unproblematic end, players can suspend objects in the air and collect them together. For case, players could create a massive brawl of daggers and axes. Then, they could use Impulse to fire them at some poor soul with smashing forcefulness.

Moving into the more powerful, in that location'southward the Savage Star spell, which...well...summons a star in the histrion'south hands. Fire it at an enemy, and they'll be incinerated in moments. There are some advanced Gravity spells that can be used to float nearly or drag enemies to the basis, but the most powerful are The Twins. To put information technology in elementary terms: Summon a Black Hole.

6 Daggerbending – Wield Blades Equally An Extension Of The Self


Blade And Sorcery can prove difficult for players who enjoy being rogues. Basic enemies are easy enough to grab with a dagger in the throat, but it becomes significantly more difficult equally soon as they start holding shields.

For those players, behold Daggerbending. This spell allows players to manipulate these small blades every bit any other element mages can control. Summon a wall of daggers to use as a shield before firing several of the blades into an enemy's chest at once. They tin even be imbued with ability that makes them explode once they hit someone.

5 Mystic Hands – Mitt To Hand Combat


The old Black & White games had a very interesting command arrangement. Players controlled a behemothic God-hand, which they could use to crush their enemies. Anyone who played those games likely wished they could employ these powerful tools in other environments, and now they tin!

The Mystic Hands spell allows players to summon 2 magical easily as big as a person that they tin wield to crush their enemies...and flip them off if they are so inclined. They're non merely good for crushing either, they tin choice up a person with ease allowing players to throw their enemies into space.

4 Earthbending – Weaponise The Earth


Pretty much what it says on the tin, Earthbending adds a bunch of new spells all themed around using the ground as a weapon. Players tin pull chunks of the ground out from under their enemies and throw them effectually or use them every bit shields.

Players can also merge the Earth spell with the default spells to create crawly effects such as meteor strikes, lightning storms & firing bullets. On meridian of that, players tin imbue weapons with the effects of Earth, then their strikes tin petrify their enemies as well as send out shockwaves when striking the footing.

3 Water ice Spell – Similar Fire, But Cold


Many fantasy games over the years have conditioned players to believe that the standard trinity of elemental magic is Burn down, Ice & Lightning. Unfortunately, Blade And Sorcery decided to forgo Ice in favor of Gravity.

This modernistic adds Ice spells into the game with all the elements players would expect. Shoot icicles, imbue weapons with a freezing result, and combine information technology with other spells to go cool effects. This gives it some powerful functions such as firing out a big beam of ice when combined with fire; or firing shurikens when combined with lightning.

2 Night Chains – Telekinesis


A relatively simple idea, but one that adds and then much potential fun to whatever scenario. This spell allows players to manipulate objects and enemies with ridiculous ease. Catch a sword from 10 meters away and impale it into an enemy'southward skull-like never before.

The real fun from this modernistic comes from how easily enemies tin can be thrown about. Players can lock their limbs in place or utilize their Telekinesis to throw them around the loonshit. Information technology fifty-fifty gives players the ability to Force-Choke enemies, so the fun never has to finish! For the actor, at least.

1 Fourth dimension Stop – Let's Do The Time Warp Again


This modern is enough absurd to play around with, but it'due south also cracking for a breather one time players accept worked upwards a sweat. Quite but, this gives players a spell that stops time, freezing everything except the thespian and anything they're holding. It's a bit of a cheaty way to win a fight, but this is a mod for those who desire to mess effectually, not be challenged.

Information technology allows players to wreak all the havoc they can imagine. Burn 50 arrows at someone while time is stopped, then kickoff time once more and they'll all hit the enemy at once. Steal someone's weapon whilst time is frozen and watch them panic when fourth dimension starts over again and they're harmless. In that location's even a second version of the spell that carries momentum, so stop time on someone, dial them several hundred times in the chest and watch them wing off into the stratosphere when fourth dimension starts again. It'south most relaxing in a slightly messed-upwards fashion.

Blade & Sorcery was released on December 11th, 2018 and is available for PC.

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