Quick Links

  • The Deals With The Devils Side Quest Overview
  • Fix The Antenna
  • Check The Marked Location
  • Eavesdrop On The Conversation
  • Meet Juan At Fish Center Canteen
  • Head To The Church
  • Defeat The Renegades
  • Fight Hakon

During the Broadcast story mission in Dying Low-cal 2, you will take a selection to give the transmitter to Juan. If you concord to Juan's proposal in the Veronika quest, agree to help him in the Welcome on Board story mission, and give him the transmitter, you lot will unlock the Deals With the Devil side quest later on.

This guide will help you complete the Deals With the Devil side quest, in which Juan needs your help checking on Jack Matt and what he plans on doing with the missing UV lamps. So let us get started with this walkthrough.

The Deals With The Devils Side Quest Overview

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest

Deals With The Devil is an important side quest where you volition decide the future of i of the most beloved side characters, Hakon. It will also have a huge impact on the catastrophe of the game.

Juan is curious about Jack Matt's shady dealings behind the scenes and wants you to find the hole-and-corner hideout where the deals take place.

Fix The Antenna

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Antenna Tower

Juan believes that the secret hideout is within the area around Houndfield Electric Station, so he wants you to conform the antenna on top of the substation to become a amend frequency of the surrounding locations.

Caput to the marker on the map and climb the tower with the antenna. Interact with the antenna to adjust the frequency.

Check The Marked Location

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Secret Hideout location

Juan will choice up a frequency from a nearby building and tell you to go there.

Use your paraglider to reach in that location. Enter inside to find a hugger-mugger path that leads to a tunnel. Interact with the door to initiate a cutscene, where yous volition spot the Peacekeeper talking about a deal with a Renegade soldier.

Juan will insist you attend their meeting and listen to everything they say.

Eavesdrop On The Conversation

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Danior and Peacekeeper Soldier talking to each other

You lot will at present have to get to the marked spot and listen to their chat while making sure that you don't kill whatsoever of the soldiers in the area or become spotted by them.

Silently head to the marker and interact with the door. The centre man for the bargain will arrive, and they will continue to the adjacent spot.

Hunker downward and go up the platform on the right, where a soldier is fixing a generator. Head inside the room on the right and get nether the table where the soldier coming from the forepart cannot encounter you.

When he turns his back towards you, go in the water on the left and spring up when he looks the other mode. Outside the room, there volition be two soldiers on the right looking towards the other side and one on the left that will exist patrolling the surface area. Wait for the patrolling soldier to go the other way and walk towards the marker.

Interact with the marker to initiate a cutscene. After the cutscene, the commuter will stop you lot and run abroad. Chase behind the commuter and catch him before he escapes.

The driver will be a human being chosen Steve, who will tell you everything that he knows. Subsequently the cutscene, Juan will tell y'all to meet him at the Fish Centre Bottle. Lockpick the door and climb the ladder to exit the area.

Meet Juan At Fish Centre Canteen

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Juan

Caput to the Fish Eye Canteen and go upstairs to find Juan sitting on a sofa. Collaborate with Juan to initiate a new cutscene. Juan will tell you to find a Renegade Officer that volition evidence against Jack Matt in court.

Head To The Church

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Church

The Renegade Officeholder that you need to become behind is in the Church of Saint John Of God. Caput to the marked location and enter the church from the westward side gate.

Go up the stairs and climb to the pinnacle, where you volition notice a window. Interacting with information technology will begin a cutscene. The church will be empty, and Hakon will come up from backside. Waltz will have known about your plans and sent Hakon to the church building to go the GRE key from you.

Hakon will tell you to requite him the GRE central. You will have to cull from 1 of the 2 options within a time limit.

Both of the options will have the same consequences, where the Renegades will fight you. Simply if you lot choose to fight Hakon, you will non get the option to salve Hakon after in the quest.

Defeat The Renegades

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Renegade Soldiers

Renegade Soldiers will set on yous to become the GRE key from you lot. Defeat the enemies on the top and lesser floors.

After defeating the enemies, go towards Hakon and talk to him. Hakon wants the key to give it to Waltz and become out of the urban center. He will assail you for the key, and yous will have to fight him now.

Fight Hakon

Dying Light 2 Deals With The Devil Side Quest Hakon

Take Hakon in a boss fight where more Renegade soldiers volition get in. Focus on Hakon and impairment him till you lose consciousness of yourself and he runs away.

When you wake upwardly, look around the church for Hakon. There volition be more Renegades in the area. Kill the Renegades showtime and and so jump on the platform on the back of the church with two doors.

Yous can go on the chandelier first and and so use the grappling claw to get to the platform. Open the door on the left to initiate a cutscene where Hakon attacks you from behind.

Hakon volition button yous down, and the second role of the boss fight will begin. Damage Hakon with a weapon until his health bar reaches nada.

When Hakon is defeated, Juan will tell y'all to find the Renegade Officer every bit quickly equally you tin can. Now, you need to caput towards the church door to exit. However, as y'all are virtually to go out, you volition become a surprise. Hakon is still non expressionless all the same and is persistent in fighting you for the key. You will at present have to brand another option.

These choices volition take an bear upon on the catastrophe that you will get.

Come Whatever Closer, And I'll Have No Choice

You will fight Hakon to decease, where he will die this fourth dimension for real. Later the fight, report to Juan about the incident, and the quest volition be over.

Let'southward Not Fight

Hakon will listen to you lot and sit down down. However, if you did leave him to dice in Old Villedor when Lawan shot him, he will still fight you.

If he decides to back downward, Lawan will come into the church before long subsequently and target Hakon. Y'all will accept another story-dependent choice to make here.

  • Do What You Demand To Do - Lawan will decide to kill Hakon for what he did. It will be the end of Hakon in your story.
  • Hear Me Out, Lawan. Don't Do It - Aiden will tell Lawan everything about Hakon and how he was trying to protect her from Waltz. She will not believe it at start but volition decide to let him become.

Subsequently the cutscene, go out the church and report to Juan. The side quest will be over after the conversation with Juan, and you will go i,500x Combat XP and 4,500 Parkour XP.

Side by side: Dying Light 2 - Complete Guide