
Mario World 3d 6-1 Stamp

How to beat World half dozen in Super Mario 3D World.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Beat World 6-B: Fire Bros. Hideout #3

Yous tin access this stage as before long as you reach Globe 6. From Prima's official guide, "look for the pictured patch of ground on the map to find the piping that leads to it."

This fight is all sorts of crazy. You lot have to beat 2 Hammer Bros., ii Boomerang Bros. and one Burn Bro. Incommunicable? Of class not. These bozos tin hit each other with their own projectiles, and so leap at the all-time times and watch them take each other out. You earned that Green Star!

Super Mario 3D Earth: How to Beat Globe six-1: Clear Pipe Cruise

Yous'll encounter tricky pipes in this course, some of which feature enemies and spiked balls. Exist actress conscientious. Otherwise, you'll lose Power-Ups and precious lives.

How do I find the Green Stars in Clear Pipage Prowl?

Green Star #1

Head through the curt horizontal piping and yous'll run into a much larger one, filled with spiked orbs, and low and behold, the first Green Star on the left. Hm, it's nestled between two of those spiked balls, but await, there's a Super Star to the right. Swoop into the pipe and go the star, then maneuver your character into harm'southward way and lookout man as he or she smashes through those spiked balls with ease. The Star is yours. Now use the remaining invincibility to go rid of the other spiked balls so y'all can proceed.

Greenish Star #2

It sits within a articulate section of pipe. Below, 2 sets of indestructible monsters go in and out. Get inside and press Up to get the Star. Don't become down only even so. Wait for one of monster groups to pass then go the heck out of there.

Green Star #3

Past the Checkpoint Flag a little ways is i of those smiley faced clouds. Jump into that guy to visit an obstacle course. Take hold of a potted Piranha Establish and hold on tight. Similar Yoshi, it will devour the plants in front of information technology. The Greenish Star is at the end, and you'll need to jump for it.

Where is the Postage stamp in World six-1 Clear Pipe Cruise?

Immediately after passing through the Checkpoint Flag, caput towards the i-way pipage on the top right, but don't go inside. Instead, leap on pinnacle of information technology and carefully walk along the pipage to detect the Stamp sitting simply above information technology. A Spin Bound is ideal, and Cat Mario makes getting the Stamp a whole lot easier.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Beat World 6-2: Spooky Seasick Wreck

You'll demand proficient platform skills to successfully navigate your way across this quondam shipwreck.

Tip: You tin can't kill Bullies past jumping on their heads. Instead, utilize repeated jumps to forcefulness them near a ledge. As they teeter back and forth, deliver i terminal stomp to send them plummeting.

How do I find the Dark-green Stars in Spooky Seasick Wreck?

Greenish Star #1

You'll need to push ii Bullies off the boat to get the showtime Green Star. You lot tin can fifty-fifty force one of the Bullies into blocks surrounding it.

Dark-green Star #two

This Star is shut to the Stamp, just beneath some platforms. Smash the second ? Block to discover a Super Star that makes you temporarily invincible. At present destroy all those pesky enemies standing in your way, and then dive into the pit below to nab the Star.

Green Star #iii

Not only does the 3rd Green Star sit near a constantly shifting walkway, simply some annoying Boos will make things difficult. Carefully navigate your character across the narrow platforms and Green Star #3 is yours.

Where is the Stamp in World 6-2 Chilling Seasick Wreck?

Get within the 2nd Warp Box that you lot come across, and you'll get transported to a subconscious room with the Stamp on the right. Sentry out for those annoying Peepas.

Super Mario 3D Globe: How to Shell World 6-3: Hands-on-Hall

You lot'll demand the Wii U GamePad to make information technology through World 6-iii, with numerous sliding doors that yous'll activate via the touchscreen.

Tip: Tap gongs to find extra items and gilded coins.

How practise I find the Green Stars in Hands-on-Hall?

Green Star #one

Head upstairs to the tertiary flood. You'll come beyond a gear up of double sliding doors. Open them to detect absolutely zilch. What is this, some kind of trick? Sort of. Walk towards the wall directly backside these doors and give information technology a tap to reveal the Green Star. Oh Nintendo, so sneaky!

Tip: Use Goomba masks to play tricks enemies.

Green Star #two

Yous tin encounter this Star from the roof, sitting inside of a pit. Catch a Propeller Box and dive into the pit to collect it, so brand a quick escape. Lingering may get yous killed.

Green Star #three

One time you reach the last corridor, avoid the Warp Box and head all the way down to notice a gong. Hit information technology to produce a Mystery Box that transports you to a room containing the last Green Star. You'll demand to defeat a Spike in club to get information technology.

Where is the Stamp in World 6-3 Easily-on-Hall?

Keep going until you lot run into enemies rolling spiked rollers towards the camera. As it turns out, yous can walk in the camera's management to find an leave leading outside the course, where the Stamp is located.

Tip: We suggest using Cat Mario or a Propeller Box to get this Postage.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Crush World 6-4: Deep Jungle Drift

How practise I find the Green Stars in Deep Jungle Drift?

Green Star #ane

Did you lot discover the Stamp for this course? If and then, drop into the clear pipe beneath it to become the start Green Star. Be certain to avoid the toxicant bog at all costs.

Tip: While on the raft, accommodate the camera to make collecting gold coins easier.

Greenish Star #two

Virtually the Checkpoint Flag is a series of fences. Climb them to notice a Green Star Ring. Once y'all touch it, the idea here is to gather the eight green coins as apace as possible.This may prove catchy, since some coins sit down on moving platforms. Get them all and the Green Star is yours!

Green Star #three

Now that you're on a raft, proceed an centre out for a Warp Box. Climb up the wall directly backside information technology to see the third and final Star.

Tip: You'll absolutely need to exist a Cat to reach this Green Star.

Where is the Stamp in World Deep Jungle Drift?

Take the loftier road here. Burn down Piranha Plants guard a alpine wall. Jump off it to latch onto a trapeze that allows yous to reach a platform and of class, the Stamp.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Beat out World 6-5: Ty-foo Flurries

Nosotros promise y'all packed your coat! This class is on the dank and windy side. Dangerous Ty-foos will unleash current of air breath and blow your character into the completeness.

Tip: Tap a Ty-foo to temporarily prevent its current of air attack.

How do I find the Green Stars in Ty-foo Flurries?

Green Star #1

There's a cliff overlooking the spikes where you establish the Stamp. Use the ? Blocks equally platforms to reach the Star.

Tip: Come across the Ty-foo up there? He's bad news, so practise your best to avert him.

Green Star #2

Steal an water ice skate from a Goomba and utilise this newfound manner of send to cantankerous a spike trap to notice a Mystery Box. Head inside to visit a bonus area where the goal involves speeding forth an ice-covered slope (while avoiding enemies and objects) in ten seconds or less. Ah yeah, and you must also catch the Star. Challenging, no?

Dark-green Star #3

You'll find the last Dark-green Star suspended over a pit, with the occasional current of air gust preventing you from easily grabbing it. How do you lot succeed? Time your jump in such a style that you grab the Star right before there's a wind gust. Practise it only right and the air current blows you to prophylactic.

Tip: Having an ice skate makes this a lot easier.

Where is the Stamp in World 6-five Ty Foo Flurries?

You'll come across a single ice skating Goomba on a modest ice lake. Jump on its head to take command of the ice skate, then slide forth nearby spikes to go the Stamp.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Beat out Globe 6-A: Prince Bully Occludent

Equally the championship implies, this phase pits your character against Prince Bully, leader of the Bullies. You can't spring on his caput correct away or striking him with a Tail Set on. The goal is to atomic number 82 him into one of the pipes forth the walls. He'll popular out the other side flattened, and at present'due south the time to jump on this guy to score a striking, of which, you'll demand three. Beat him and become a Green Star for your trouble.

Super Mario 3D Globe: How to Beat World six-6: Bullet Bill Base

If yous detest Bullet Bills, this course is your worst nightmare. That said, the verticality of this stage makes it perfect for Cat Mario. You should have trivial trouble climbing walls and finding all the goodies.

How do I find the Green Stars in Bullet Bill Base?

Green Star #i

Y'all have two means to get this Dark-green Star, either with the Cat Power-Upwards to climb walls or just going with the conveyor belts/cloud platforms. Scale the first department of the grade and stick to the left. The Green Star sits at the highest point.

Tip: Expect for a Sprixie somewhere in this course. She'll give y'all a great view.

Light-green Star #2

Look for raised platforms next to the Checkpoint Flag. Spring into the Mystery Box to enter a room. You have just 10 seconds to run along a circular conveyor belt and collect the Star.

Dark-green Star #3

Be on the lookout for a row of vertical conveyor belts. With the Cat Ability-Upward, climb the belt on the far left and then head towards the ane on the right.

Where is the Stamp in World 6-six Bullet Bill Base?

There's a ramp next to the goal pole at the end of grade. The Postage stamp is on the reverse stop.

Super Mario 3D Globe: How to Beat Earth 6-seven: Fuzzy Time Mine

Time is on your side in this level, but you'll however need to movement as quickly as possible to avoid all those bothersome (don't forget dangerous) Fuzzies.

Tip: The Cat and Tanooki Conform power-ups brand this course much simpler to beat.

How practise I notice the Greenish Stars in Fuzzy Time Mine?

Dark-green Star #1

It'southward underneath a cloud platform, and all it takes is a single footing pound to collect it.

Green Star #ii

When the course scrolls up the second time, y'all'll see the second Greenish Star hovering well-nigh some Fuzzies.

Light-green Star #iii

As the level scrolls upward the final time, look for this Star floating inside an apse, next to some platforms that continuously open up and slam close. Use a jump pad to essentially launch your character safely into that alcove.

Where is the Stamp in World six-7 Fuzzy Time Mine?

Right at the starting time! Wait for the block to move out of the mode and avoid the Parabones to snag information technology.

Tip: Shell half-dozen-7 Fuzzy Fourth dimension Mine to reveal a Mystery House for this World.

Super Mario 3D Globe: How to Beat World 6: Mystery Firm Throwdown

At present that you unlocked the Mystery House, it's time to grab all five Green Stars.

Tip: Not a fan of the baseballs? You can get most of these Stars if yous accept the Tanooki Conform.

How do I find the Green Stars in Mystery Firm Throwdown?

Green Star #ane

Pick up ane of the baseballs and throw it in the Star'due south direction.

Green Star #two

Leap once to flip the Star and the console it sits on abroad from you. Take hold of a baseball and bound/throw it at the same time to get this Star.

Green Star #3

Launch yourself off the Jump Console and chuck a baseball at the P Switch on the wall.

Green Star #iv

Hit the POW Block with a baseball to destroy the enemies and make the Star easy to grab.

Green Star #five

Three Thwomps baby-sit iii switch panels. The object is to low-cal upwards all three panels by simply pressing them via the GamePad touchscreen.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Vanquish World vi-Castle: Bowser's Bob-omb Brigade

Fix for another tank attack, plus cameos by the Hammer Bros.

Tip: Use the Tanooki Adapt'due south Tail Assault to quickly defeat the Hammer Bros.

How do I find the Dark-green Stars in Bowser's Bob-omb Brigade?

Dark-green Star #i

With the Green Star in plain sight, throw a flop onto the blocks beneath it to create steps. Walk correct up and take it.

Greenish Star #2

It's like shooting fish in a barrel to miss this one. Use a bomb from the previous tank to blow upwardly the Rock Block and gratis the Green Star. Beware the Burn Bro.

Green Star #3

You'll see this Star near the terminate of the course. Use the Ground Pound on the Mega ? Block to brand a bridge.

Where is the Stamp in Bowser's Bob-omb Brigade?

Information technology'due south behind the pipe that takes you to the dominate boxing. You'll need a flop, and the only identify to get one is from the tank near the third Green Star. Movement speedily before it detonates.

How do I vanquish the dominate in Bowser'southward Bob-omb Brigade?

Uh-oh, Boom Nail returns! Although it still takes iii hits to the noggin to put him away, yous'll detect that he's learned some new moves. Not only is his whirling attack faster, simply he too splits autonomously, leaving a vanquish bouncing around the room. Ignore the shell and focus your energy on him. Dark night, Boom Smash.

Super Mario 3D World: How to Beat World 6-C – Motley Bossblob's Big Battle

What, you lot thought World 6 was over? No way. World 6 doesn't become down without i last fight.

Tip: The ? Cake to the correct of the stairs has a Double Cherry. Make sure you go information technology. Two heroes are ameliorate than one!

How do I beat Motley Bossblob?

This diabolical creep jumps in the air attempting to squash you. Dash to avert these attacks and look until he delivers the concluding jump, whereupon which he releases a Double Reddish and lots of smaller blobs. Squash as many tiny blobs as possible until Motley is tiny enough to strike. Do it three times to make him experience the pain, and motion on to World seven.

Head back for the rest of our Super Mario 3D Globe guide.


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